Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Have you heard of Zumba? Have you tried it? For anyone that doesn't know what it is, it's what I would call dance aerobics with a Latin flair. (Check it out on YouTube if you need further description.)

Anyway, two weeks ago I started taking Zumba. I had been watching from afar these women dancing their butts off and it looked like so much fun, I signed up. During my first class, I caught myself thinking on numerous occasions whether or not I could get my money back for this class, and debating if I couldn't, if it was worth losing that money. It was much more complicated than it looked. Step this way, jump that way, wiggle this, shake that.....I found my feet getting twisted together and I feared for my life. After class, I was talking to the instructor and she reassured me that after three classes, I would feel better about it. I took her advice and hung in there.

The second class was fairly close to the first, but I did sort of "get" some of the wiggles and shakes. I have learned, though, that this body ain't what it used to be. I could have tore up some Zumba at 25 years old. I'm now 37 and have gone through a broken ankle (which, if you've ever had a broken bone, you know it never gets 100% better), and I just can't move like I used to. I actually feel stiff when I'm doing this class. I'm hoping that will change.

Now I have gone four or five times, and I have to say, the instructor was right. I actually like it. (Did I just say that out loud?!) Yes, it's still a bit tricky, but I'm getting used to it, and the best part is I work up a better sweat than I do walking for the same amount of time. Surely, that must mean I'm burning more calories, right?!

I do, however, feel like an amazon in that class. Seems that everyone in there is skinny and/or short. Everyone but me, that is. Maybe one day.

1 comment:

  1. If you don't have a heart rate monitor you have to get one and wear it to zumba - I didn't think it was much of a cardiovascular workout at my first class and debated not going back b/c I wanted to burn a ton of calories. The next class I wore my HRM and was AMAZED - over 700 calories and I didn't really feel like I was working out that hard! Love it.
