Friday, November 5, 2010

The Root of All Evil

While watching a weight loss program on TV, the fitness person was questioning one of her clients as to why he chose to eat some cookies. How did it make him feel? He then breaks down crying and then a whole bunch of information is shared that seems like a breakthrough as to why he eats the way he does. All because of a few cookies.

It made me think. Why do I eat the way I do? I was never abused. I wasn't scarred for life by anything said to me in school. My parents have been happily married for almost 50 years and have always been good parents, so no issues there. Eating doesn't make me feel loved. I don't look at eating as something that won't reject me. Then I came to the realization...........

I eat because I genuinely like the taste of it!

Fitness gurus are so quick to want to associate a problem with overweight people. I really can't find one in myself, and maybe I'm just blind to it. BUT, I know I can be "good" eating-wise and even enjoy it. I also know that if I take a bite of my favorite dish, chances are it's not going to stop there. Why? IT TASTES GOOD. Period.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you...I have no jaded past or terrible upbringing to blame...just the darn sugar and salt and carbs that have me going back for more. My biggest weakness is baked goods...cookies, cake, donuts...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them.
    Just need to love them a few times a week, not a few times a day!
